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tv   This Week With George Stephanopoulos  ABC  June 14, 2015 8:00am-9:01am PDT

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>> announcer: starting right now on abc's "this week," hillary's re-launch. >> thank you. >> revealing a new strategy and the personal story that she says is behind her run. but, will it be enough this time? we're with hillary 2.0. campaigning this morning in iowa. christie's comeback? down in the polls, can his big, new push on the trail help him break through? our exclusive interview with chris christie. plus, inside isis world. the stunning new video of isis on the rampage, terrifying iraqis far from the battle zone, and the white house's major new move against the terror group. are american boots going to the front lines? >> announcer" from abc news,
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"this week" with george stephanopoulos begins right now. good morning. welcome to a big week in politics. hillary's re-launch rally saturday. jeb bush makes it official monday. donald trump set for announcement tuesday. and chris christie standing by for our exclusive interview. but first, here's cecilia vega. on the trail with hillary in iowa. >> reporter: good morning to you. if this campaign didn't feel official before, it certainly does now. hillary clinton landing here in iowa, just hours after giving her first major stump speech of this campaign. hillary clinton kicking off her presidential campaign once again. the first rally of her 2016 white house bid, a chance for the former first lady turned secretary of state, turned two-time presidential contender, to reintroduce herself. >> i think you have known by now.
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i have been called many things by many people. quitter is not one of them. >> reporter: husband bill and daughter chelsea joining her center stage, as clinton got political. >> we can't stand by while inequality increases. wanling stagnant and the promise of american dims. >> reporter: personal. >> my mother taught me that everybody needs a chance and a champion. by 14, she was out on her own, working as a housemaid. >> reporter: and went hard on policy. >> we should offer hardworking, law-abiding immigrant families a path to citizenship. >> reporter: clinton saying she has made mistakes. but not directly addressing those controversies hanging over their her campaign like those e-mails. a recent poll showing a majority of americans do not see hillary clinton as honest and trustworthy. democratic challengers are stepping up the fight. vermont senator bernie sanders on saturday,
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calling clinton for still not taking sides fights in key fights. >> i don't understand how you don't have a position on this issue. >> reporter: overnight, clinton landing in the hawkeye state, too. testing out her new stump speech on the road. >> i want to work with you to build an economy that works for everyone. >> reporter: and clinton heads to a number of other swing states after iowa, she's really trying to cement this image of herself as a fighter for the middle class. one thing that she's not shying away this time as she did in 2008 is her gender she told that crowd yesterday, while she may not be the youngest candidate in this race, she would be the youngest female president. george? >> and the first grandmother. that brings us to our exclusive interview with the republican who guarantees he can beat hillary, new jersey governor chris christie. after his big re-election in 2013, he had the hot hand, but all of that changed after
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bridgegate. >> i am embarrassed and humiliated by the conduct of some of the people on my team. >> reporter: now, christie's on the comeback trail. iowa. south carolina. new hampshire. with some tough love for fellow republicans. >> my party, quite frankly, has been guilty in some respects of speaking in a way that doesn't sound very welcoming. >> reporter: striking specifics on topics like social security and a promise to run his own way. >> you never have to wonder what i'm thinking and what i'm feeling. >> and governor christie joins us now. welcome back to "this week." you saw hillary clinton yesterday. she said all the republican candidates are singing the same song yesterday, what song did you hear from her? >> first off, i thought that elizabeth warren wasn't running for president. when i listened to hillary clinton yesterday, it sounded
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like liberal political consultants put together that speech. i think it raises a bigger point for secretary clinton, i have done 146 town hall meetings in the last five years, in new jersey and around the country, mrs. clinton doesn't hear from anybody, she doesn't take questions from anybody. how would she know what real americans are really concerned about? i don't know. is it while she's giving paid speeches? i don't understand when she would know. what she was saying about real americans. how would she know? >> the gloves are off. one of her biggest applause lines yesterday, going to college without drowning in debt. the other democrats have come out with debt-free college education. you took on that idea this week on your visit to iowa, what is wrong with that? what is your am tern tif? >> my alternative we have to put market forces on these college costs. i pay for two college tuitions right now, one at princeton and one at notre dame. i can tell you they're the most opaque bills. if you got that bill for dinner, you wouldn't pay it, you would send it back. yet for college, we pay it.
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they need the tell us what they're spending their money on the money we give them. secondly, we need to start to say, unbundle that. they should be able to select it. that will tell colleges what they don't need to provide. that will help to contain costs. but the idea of free college for everybody, there's nothing free in this world, we need to earn what we get. >> but you talked about your dad and what he got on the g.i. bill. studies show there's a 7 to 1 return on that kind of investment. why not for all americans? >> it is available for all americans. we have grant programs are very broadly use. and loan programs that are very broadly used. by the way, my dad went for six years at night and he worked all day to help put himself through college. the g.i. bill helped for certain. we should provide those type of benefits for folks. my dad also worked every day for six years all day.
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>> you said that if you run, you'll beat hillary clinton, what is holding you back from running? >> i got a day job, george, running a significant state with a lot of back and forth. you know, i have a democratic legislature that i have to work with and it's not always the easiest thing to do in the world. we have a budget to finish by june 30th. we just won a major court decision. so, i got to keep my eye on my day job. but as i said last week, this decision is now up to me, i'll make it during the month of june. i'll let everyone know. >> last time around, you said you weren't ready to be president, jeb bush is getting in tomorrow, what do you offer that he doesn't? >> well, listen, one thing that i just talked about, i worked with a legislature of the other party for the last nearly six years now, and we have had some significant accomplishments and disagreements. >> jeb bush did that as a governor? >> no, he had a legislature of his own party, george.
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it's a much different thing. i have a great respect for jeb. he was a very good governor. one thing that makes me different is, i think i'm combat-ready for washington, d.c., and you need to be. in order to work with people and bring people together. i have done that in new jersey. i got 61% of the vote for re-election. the fact is, people know i know how to bring folks together. folks in red states they don't have as much experience. >> you're also laying down policy markers especially on social security benefits. raising the retirement age. mike huckabee in his announcement said those policies are disastrous. take a look. >> as president, i promise you will get what you paid for. how can anyone trust government again if they steal from us? >> what is your response? >> the stealing and the lying already happened. >> where? >> all throughout the system. this idea that al gore talked about, 15 years ago, about a lockbox, that's not true.
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and the fact is 71% of the federal expenditures in the budget now are in entitlement programs. what i say is, which two of the alternatives are you for? massive tax increase or insolvency? we need to have reform of these programs and the counterreforms i'm talking about, won't stop the world from spinning on its axis. raising the retirement age by two years. and phasing it in over the next 25. >> people who do blue-collar work that could be tough? >> over 25 years, george with the quality of life that's not a lot. secondly, you're talking about means testing for people who have over $200,000 in retirement income, retirement income, for them to say, you don't need to take a social security check to make sure that it's there, to make sure no elderly in our country grow old in poverty. i think that's the kind of thing american people will support. let's talk about immigration, back in 2010, you
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called for a path to citizenship. >> the president and the congress have to step up to the plate, secure our borders. and put together a commonsense path to citizenship. >> just last month, you called that an extreme position, that's a pretty big flip from common sense to extreme. >> george, what we can't be as leaders, slave to the ideas as circumstances change we can't evaluate it. the politics were the same back then and the president back then was promising with a democratic congress that he was going to fix immigration, he never did it. the politics are just as difficult today as they were in 2010, circumstances on the ground have changed. we need to be smart about that. >> let's talk about bridgegate, no question, it was a big political hit and you still have more than half of republicans in new jersey saying you haven't been completely honest, what do
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you say to them and other potential supporters worried about this issue? >> listen, there have been three independent investigations that all come to the same conclusion, i didn't have anything to do it. i didn't have any knowledge of it. at some point, the saturation coverage that the media gives it affects people. three investigations. one by a democratic legislature, one by the federal prosecutors. one internal investigation that we ran. all came to the same conclusion. i think it's time to move on. let's talk about iraq and the fight against isis. president obama announcing more troops to iraq this week. some of your potential republican opponents like graham and santorum say we need 10,000 troops on the ground, are they right? >> i don't think they're right at the moment. now. i think what we need to do is we need to have our allies trusting us again in the middle east who want to bring this fight, they want to bring the fight to isis.
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>> the iraqis don't seem eager for this fight? >> listen, we have to put a together a coalition of the willing. we have to help arm those folks. get more human intelligence on the ground. so, we make sure we're targeting the right thing and prepare americans for the fact that it's not going to be easy and it's going to be long. you can't rule anything out. that's the kind of uninformed foreign policy if you rule anything out. we need to make sure that the folks who are most threatened by isis at the moment, which are the folks in the region who want to fight it. that we helped make them the best prepared fighters they can be. >> finally we before we go, donald trump is going to make an announcement on tuesday. do you think he'll be a serious candidate? >> he's a serious guy. he's been a good friend of mine
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over the years. only he can determine if he wants to push to be president. if he does he's been able to sell almost anything over the course of time. the fact is, you have to take him seriously if he decides to run. we'll see what happens, though. i like him. he's been a good friend. we'll see what happens. >> look forward to taking him on? >> if i decide to get into this race, i'll take anybody on, i think you know that. >> governor christie, thank you. we'll bring in from the hillary clinton camp joel benenson. hillary clinton is running as elizabeth warren, as governor christie said. >> he should be focused on running his campaign. i think what secretary clinton said yesterday is laying out her vision and her agenda for america. she's been fighting for children, families and yesterday, she said, we need to create an economy where everyday americans and their families get ahead. where we build an economy that's
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built by all and prosperity is shared by all. that people get real rewards for the work they put in, that's the kind of vision that she laid out. the values that she's been fighting for her whole life. i think governor christie knows that. governor christie is very direct when he makes his point. >> lot of policies from clinton yesterday. but notably in its absence, no mention of that big vote for the trade promotion authority. big defeat for president obama. bernie sanders, another democrat, saying it's time for secretary clinton to take a stand. >> look secretary clinton says what's matters is in the final deal. lot of congressional jockeying going on right now. >> it's a pretty simple issue, whether or not the president should have the authority to negotiate it -- is she for it or against it? >> what secretary clinton has said is in the final deal.
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protect american jobs and wages? will it protect our national security? will it protect currency manipulation? they're voting against it. i think they'll have to explain that to each other as the haggling here over what the final package should be. >> does she believe the president should have the fast-track authority to negotiate now -- >> i think she believes is what the deal has at the end of the day what will matter to the american people. she wants to see the final deal. she wants to make sure it protects american workers. >> last time around you were one of chief architects in president obama's race against hillary clinton. back in october 2007 you co-wrote a memo in the new yorker. the key distinction between clinton and obama would be on character not policy.
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part of the memo said clinton can't be trusted or believed when it comes to change, she's driven by political calculation not convictions, regular lay backing away and shifting positions. why won't that argument work for clinton's opponents right now? >> i think secretary clinton is the most right person for this moment. what american people need and want right now is a tenacious fighter that will help them get ahead and stay ahead. they were rocked by a crisis that came a year after that memo, that crisis, the american people have fought back, they have worked two jobs and two shifts. they have figured out how to make it work. >> as you saw -- >> she brings that to the table, she does not quit, she's never quit. she's been fighting on their behalf for her entire life. >> but as you saw in cecilia's piece, our latest poll shows 52% of americans think she's not honest.
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>> with all due respect, george, your latest poll also shows, when asked about people who will fight for you she's above water on that by three points. jeb bush is 20 points under water. that's the fight people want. who can i trust every day in the oval office to make my case? make sure my kids have choices in the future that i want them to have. work hard and get ahead i can stay ahead. that's what hillary clinton brings to the table. >> there's also a significant amount of commentary about the potential electoral strategy, not the bill clinton map. broad lekelectoral map. but the narrow map of president obama. david brooks says, the error says if hillary clinton decides to be just another unimaginative base-mobilizing politician, she'll make it worse --
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>> first of all, i think the premise of that story was kind of entertaining. the notion that you should be running on the same map that ran 20 years ago. is absurd today as it was 20 years ago. no democrat won texas since 1964. the country changes, democrat demographics change. middle of the road, mainstream america is, so you run a national campaign, we have organizers in all 50 states right now. you have to do that. you have to get people mobilized. she did a house party yesterday. you have a map of states that are known as battleground states, that's not going to change. that's where the toughest fights are going to be. but you campaign everywhere in this country. 24/7 days a week media, ensure americans are hearing the message. >> and we'll be on top of it. when we come back, terry moran on the ground in iraq, with a shocking look
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inside the world of isis. and his interview with an iraqi deserter with why this war is so hard to win. plus, democrats defie president obama on trade. we'll ask his labor secretary if he's able to turn it around. stealing your customers' secrets. there's an army of us. relentlessly unpicking your patchwork of security. think you'll spot us? ♪ you haven't so far. the next wave of the internet requires the next wave of security. we're ready. are you? hi, i'm henry winkler and i'm here to tell homeowners that are sixty-two and older about a great way to live a better retirement... it's called
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but what else? it has 0 added sugar 0 artificial sweeteners and 0 fat. dannon oikos triple zero. ♪ dannon ♪ and we'll be right back with the roundtable, their headlines of the week. so, which stories made you think? of the week. so, which stories made you think? when you're not confident your company's data is secure the possibility of a breach can quickly become the only thing you think about. that's where at&t can help. we monitor network traffic worldwide, so we can see things others can't. mitigating risks across your business. leaving you free to focus on what matters most. there's something out there. it's a highly contagious disease. it can be especially serious- even fatal to infants. unfortunately, many people who spread it may not know they have it.
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it took serena williams years to master the two handed backhand. but only one shot to master the chase mobile app. technology designed for you. so you can easily master the way you bank. and we're back now with the roundtable's headlines of the week. let's start with bill kristol. editor of the weekly standard. >> well house democrats requesting a request by a democratic president to negotiate the authority of a trade deal. pretty unprecedented. overwhelming defeat for president obama. which raises a question, what about hillary clinton? she helped negotiate that deal and now she won't even say she's in favor of giving barack obama authority to negotiate a
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trade deal. >> katrina vanden heuvel? i can't believe that you're going to agree here. >> i see it more as a big win for the soul of the democratic party against corporate-backed forces which have too long wanted trade fight. which is outsourced jobs, suppressed wages, this was a great victory for thousands of citizens aligned with progressive leaders in labor inside the house, across the country, for a different kind of trade agreement, less secretive, more inclusive that would create jobs and growth, i think it's very important. whatever happens, it's a win for that part of the democratic party that understands it has to stand with the small guy not the big corporation. >> ana. >> i have the same headline. but mine was
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nancy pelosi breaks up with president obama. it's very significant. they have had a very close relationship this entire time, she's been a great ally of his, and she went on the floor, she announced that she was going to vote in opposition and i think that gave way for so many other democrats to bail on the president. i mean this vote -- >> even though she seemed a little bit shaken doing that. >> i think she should be shaken. very public breakup. breaking up is hard to do. >> i have a different issue, on the elections, i think issues animating the trade debate are wages and income, and i think hillary clinton put out a bold agenda on those items. but i think we'll see republicans this week, the big question is, will jeb bush also address some of the challenges we're seeing in the economy? about wage stagnation. he talked about the right to rise. what are his ideas for that to happen? >> we'll talk about that in our next roundtable. powerhouse puzzler time.
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>> hi, george. i'm here at the vault of the librarhere in washington. the question is, in which shakespeare play features this line, "better to be a witty fool than a foolish wit"? okay, we'll be right back with the answer. >> announcer: "this week with george stephanopoulos" brought to you by charles schwab. "this week with george stephanopoulos" brought to you by charles schwab. dad: he's our broker. he helps looks after all our money. kid: do you pay him? dad: of course. kid: how much? dad: i don't know exactly. kid: what if you're not happy? does he have to pay you back? dad: nope. kid: why not? dad: it doesn't work that way. kid: why not? vo: are you asking enough questions about the way your wealth is managed? wealth management at charles schwab
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>> twelfth night. >> thank you all. we'll be back in a little bit. we'll talk more about that big defeat for president obama on trade. labor secretary is here. plus a shocking new look at the isis rampage in iraq. terry moran is there. and two of top military thinkers debate the president's new strategy.
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answer all your questions. call to find out what a great solution this can be. don't wait... call now! i'll be voting today to slow down the fast track to get a better deal for the american people. bigger paychecks, better infrastructure. help the american people fulfill the american dream. >> there she is nancy pelosi. deals the killer blow to the president's trade deal. sparking some tough headlines for the president. but, can he turn it around this week? the labor secretary is here to answer that question. thank you for joining us this morning. >> good morning. >> we heard the press secretary
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call this a snafu this loss. it wasn't even close, 128-302, so, how do you turn that around? >> well, george, a month ago, in the senate, there was a procedural vote to move to the senate consideration of the bill, it was defeated. and the next day, all of the newspapers and pundits were saying that it was a stinging defeat for the president and it passed the senate. you know from having worked here in d.c., the shortest distance theory is seldom a theory that works here in washington. so, i have every confidence, because what the congress did last week is something that many of your pundits predicted they couldn't do. they passed it by partisan in the senate and house, 28 house members. that is remarkable. and the thing about the trade adjustment act is that democrats have strongly supported that, the last time it came up in 2011 it was unanimously supported
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by all democrats who voted. this is another procedural snafu. just like the one in the senate. >> democrats now see it as a proxy for the overall vote. you're going to need about 120 of them if you're going to pass this thing, how do you get that many votes? >> well, we have had conversations throughout the weekend with various people, and again, i'm very confident that we can find a way. here. there are multiple pathways here. i'm confident we'll do this. again, we have bipartisan support on the trade promotion authority which is critically important. that was perceived by everyone as the highest mountain to climb and it has been done, and so, this hurdle like the procedural hurdle in the senate is something that i think we'll
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surmount and i'm very confident of that. we continue to have discussions and you know this is -- this is yogi berra, you know, it ain't over until it's over. there's a lot more to be done here. >> what happens if you don't? what's plan b? >> oh, i don't think we need a plan b here. because there are so many different pathways that can get you to the finish line in the house, and so, i'm confident that we'll move forward in this and the reason is, because, this is something that's very important, america needs to set the rules in the global economy, that's why the president has been fighting for this, every time he wakes up, how can i do to help the american people? that's what he's been doing since he got in office. whether it's the recovery act, the affordable care act, this is no different.
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we need to right the rules of the global economy, the world is watching us right now and the president strongly believes and i agree that this is the most progressive trade promotional authority. it renegotiates nafta, because under nafta, labor protections and environmental protections they were at the kids' table, now they're at the grownup table. that's critically important. we need to move forward with this. >> we'll see, secretary perez, thank you for joining us this morning. >> my pleasure. we're going to turn now to iraq and the fight against isis. as the administration debates adding more troops and military bases to the fight, our chief foreign correspondent terry moran is on the ground in iraq. >> reporter: iraq's anbar province, after years of war, and right now, the front lines against isis. we arrive at an iraqi military outpost and talked to the iraqi
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troops are staring down isis. how often are you attacked by the isis fighters? "every day," he says. he says, "he'll stand and fight. but iraq's army time and again has run from isis." why? listen to a deserter from a iraqi army. he asked us to shield his identity. he says when he deserted last year, he hadn't been paid for seven months and even had to buy his own ammunition. he would only get more he had to prove he killed a fighter. in order for you to get more ammunition, you had to bring a dead body? we had to prove that either we had killed a terrorist or prove we were under attack, he tells me. a ten-year veteran, he said his army fell apart rapidly. americans have given so much money to train and equip and supply the iraqi army, where did it all go?
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"it was all stolen," he says. all stolen? it just got stolen? by politicians? by senior officers? "everyone has done it from their own position," he says. it's now been a year since the fall of mosul and life under isis there, as this video obtained by the bbc shows, is grim. mosques blown up. women forced to cover from head to toe for the first time. christian homes marked and confiscated. iraq is now trying to retrain its troops. with american help. meanwhile, on the battlefields, volunteer shia militia troops takes over. they made clear what they think of president obama's plans. if obama sends more american soldiers here will you fight the americans too?
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"i will fight isis and the americans," this man shouts. the deserter feels differently. what will fix the iraqi army? if we bring back the americans, he says peace. for "this week," terry moran, abc news, baghdad. joining us now lieutenant colonel doug oliphant. and john nagl. you see the debate boiled down in a nutshell there. you wrote in your book night fights, you were worried back at the original invasion after 2001, behind a common cause, killing americans. we just heard from the brigade, are you worried that might happen again? >> there's a concern that could happen again, the iraqi deserter really spoke deeply to what i believe. america made a huge mistake of invading iraq in 2003. the invasion was unnecessary and poorly conducted.
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we managed to pull something like a draw. with reasonable outcome out of that war. but by withdrawing the american troops prematurely in 2011, we paved the way of an al qaeda-affiliate, isis, to that country. unless we put american troops back inside iraqi troops -- >> you're saying -- >> iraq can't win. >> you're saying 15,000, 20,000 troops. >> that's the number of american advisers that i would like to see inside iraqi units. they would have to be supported. that's what it will take to defeat isis on the ground. which the president has said is the american objective. >> what's the response? >> the response is, we need to give iraqis time to show us if they can or cannot do it. it was once said that it's much better to have the arabs do it acceptably than have the british or in this case americans do it perfectly.
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we need to give them time. so we can implement the strategy. but looking at it, it appears we're training, equipping, providing intelligence and providing air power support for all 206 iraqi forces that are fighting against isis the army to mobilization units, hopefully the suni tribes, and if we can support all of these units to push isis out of iraq, that's a much better outcome for the long-term politics of iraq. and i think that's what we need to be thinking about, what does iraq look after isil is pushed out. the united states army could go back in and eliminate isil. they remain the gold standard for combat. but, what does that do to iraqi politics? we heard the brigade saying they would seen even these advisers as a reinvasion of iraq. that's not acceptable to them. >> isn't that the big problem?
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>> that's one of the problems, certainly. i believe that anything short of embedding american forces -- inside iraqi units -- i'm not arguing americans doing the fighting. i want the militia forces doing the actual fighting. calling in the air strikes, providing the intelligence at the front line of battle providing a steel spine for those iraqi troops, quite simply isis will not be defeated. we ran the experiment over the last year. additional 450 advisers staying inside the wire at the air base isn't going to make a difference. the current strategy will fail. >> and general dempsey is saying, the game-changers have to come from the iraqi government and if they're not willing to step up, and that deserter showed why one of the reasons it's so difficult right now, we'll have to find other
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ways to put pressure on isil, what could that be? >> that's a good question. i don't think we have good answers. we have in the current leaders in both the prime minister and the sunni speaker of the parliament, who was in washington this week, met with the president and the vice president, we have two very moderate leaders who are trying to reach out to each other and bring a deal together. the issue with iraqi politics as in american politics each of them has to deal with their base. >> if america can't follow this strategy you laid out, 15,000,0, to 20,000 troops, is it better just to get out? >> i think the results of that would be catastrophic. isis that continues to advance throughout the middle east is going to grow stronger and stronger. where america can't afford to ignore it anymore. >> gentlemen, thank you very much. when we come back, the roundtable weighs in on the big week in politics. plus something different this
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sunday a look at shakespeare works. >> announcer: catch "this week" online this week. online, on facebook and on twitter. i'm here today to announce
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my candidacy for president of the united states. i'm running for president of the united states, there's no turning back, and i intend to be the next president of the united states. >> prosperity with a purpose means giving back to the country that has given you so much. >> i'm running because our country must be prosperous. but prosperity must have a purpose. >> you saw the echoes right there. george w. bush. george herbert walker bush. both on their announcement days. tomorrow, jeb bush gets in. let's talk about now. i want to show a campaign video that the jeb bush campaign is putting out ahead of his announcement tomorrow. it shows he's ready to run on these compassionate conservative themes. >> he really cares about us. he really cares about people
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with developmental disabilities. there are people today that are getting services because of what jeb did. >> bill krystol there's a bush template. >> there is. it's been successful and unsuccessful. they have won and lost republican nominations. i think he's helped by announcing tomorrow, two days after hillary clinton. >> how so? >> because her speech was so poor, it's so mediocre and cliched. they'll be compared. because they're only 48 hours apart. if jeb bush gives an interesting speech, i think he'll help himself. >> neera? >> i don't think the bill kristol was the audience that hillary was looking at, i thought she had a very substantive speech. the most interesting thing about the bush strategy and the bush campaign is that put out this week in order to get ahead, he's planning to carpet-bomb his republican opponents. he's going to spend all his money that he's raised right now
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over the last couple of weeks, to basically take down marco rubio and others, so, i think it's going to be a fascinating hot summer in the republican primary. >> ana, you're close to jeb bush and marco rubio, we did see ahead of this announcement this week by jeb bush a restructuring of his campaign. >> well, that restructuring was, i think, a tweaking, a personnel tweaking -- >> new campaign manager. >> yeah, but i mean, it was -- everybody's happy about it, including the guy who got moved who was one of the best early state operatives in republican politics who had been in miami doing a lot of administrative work. without being able to think about early state strategy. i think he's very happy that he's going to be focus on where his strengths are and jeb is happy that he'll be able to do that. i think this is all for the best. the media narrative was very disconnected from the reality. i think what you're going to see from jeb tomorrow is a talking and focus on his achievements as
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governor. that person we just saw in that video was the mother of a disabled woman, who actually confronted jeb about not doing enough when he was governor, and they became very close and it was one of his major focuses as governor. so, you'll see him tout his achievements as governor. also talk about the inclusive campaign that he wants to run. >> katrina, what did you hear from hillary clinton yesterday? how did you feel afterwards? >> well, she spoke from the most glorious place in the united states. roosevelt island. she spoke to the issues that she has spoken to for years. the good issues, fighting for women and children. paid sick leave. pay equity. i also heard her say something that relates to jeb bush, she says, if she becomes president,
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she'll take on the dysfunctional money system we have. jeb bush coming into the race, at long last -- what i didn't hear from hillary clinton and i think she's going to make more speeches, there were populous touches, but i didn't hear the big bold economic vision, i didn't hear her speak out on trade. on debt-free college education. you know, but there were populous touches and this campaign, because of bernie sanders and martin o'malley, will drive her to take sharper positions. >> i want to ask bill about that there's a lot of energy behind these populous ideas. our poll shows that 60% of registered voters think there has to be action taken against inequality right now. >> that's why i think that jeb bush and hillary clinton won't win the nominee. they're both impressive people.
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she won't take a position on the trade vote. every democratic presidential candidate has take an position. every republican has take an position. hillary clinton is sort of too big to actually say how she would vote in real time. i think she'll have a much tougher road as things go forward. the truth is bernie sanders who opposes the trade deal, opposed the iraq vote, who opposed the banking reforms that hillary clinton and bill clinton shepherded through in 1999, bernie sanders is much more in touch with the living heart of the party. >> bill -- >> bill kristol is speaking to heart and soul of the democratic party is interesting to me. let me just say, on all of these issues, i worked in hillary clinton's 2007 campaign. i worked for her for a decade. she did fight on these issues.
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she raised income inequality. she talked about paid leave. years ago. this is not faux populism. >> ana, you slipped this in there, phony pop list. >> i don't know what phoney about him. being with people, he's not been in, what is a pseudocampaign, what we have seen from hillary clinton for the last two months. like she's been in the witness protection program. >> she's meeting with people. >> if she doesn't meet with media she's in the witness protection people. she's meeting with ordinary citizens. >> she's meeting with handpicked people. you know why people are showing up to see bernie sanders in huge numbers. because there's actually someone to see. >> listen, he was on george's program about a month ago and
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i'm standing with dana perino, who was on the program the same day, she said to me as we watched bernie sanders, he's so authentic. he's so real, and that's true. but no illusions. bernie sanders is in this to shape the debate. he might. there's momentum behind him. but he has issues and he speaks his mind. but, you know, this is all about roosevelt, make me do it. >> who will drive the debate on the republican side, who's going to be the engine of ideas? >> that's a good question. i think it could be second-tier second-tiered candidates. i think marco rubio, to sit back and look at the campaigners, i think rubio has been the most impressive so far. jeb bush was a good governor, it was a long time ago. i wonder, having in your video people who helped 15 years ago, it's impressive, good governor of florida, does he have a vision for the future? if i were advising him, i would
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rip whatever parts of his speech about what he did 15 years ago as governor of florida. >> that's craz what he brings to the table as governor is what they have actually done, as opposed to the senators who bring to the table how they have actually talked. >> that's going to have to be the in this "this week's sunday spotlight" the hidden world of
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shakespeare. for years the bard's first printed plays have been housed just steps away from congress. now these books are going on remarkable tour of america. before the launch, jon karl takes us inside the vault where these treasures have been preserved. >> reporter: our tour begins with 2 silence of the shakespeare reading room, bunker one block from the capitol and the supreme court. through a secret passage kept under lock and key. we're deep inside the vault, it runs an entire city block, one of the most fortified bunkers in all of washington. housing some of the literary treasures in the world. we're looking at one of the most prized possession of folger library with the director as our guide. showing us the deed from shakespeare's house. >> he held one of these pieces in his hand. >> reporter: and one of queen elizabeth's personal bibles.
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>> covered in crimson velvet. it has her initials here. >> reporter: but the biggest treasure of them all -- this is the most valuable first edition in the entire world. >> this is a blockbuster of a book. >> reporter: the first edition of william shakespeare play. dating back to 1623. i can't pick it up and start -- >> you probably shouldn't go like this. but you can handle it. it's made out of rag paper. people took clothing. this paper is stronger -- >> you're touching it? >> i'm touching it. >> reporter: there's never been a writer so popular, even 450 years after his death, his writing is alive in the public imagination as ever. from sesame street. >> a b or not a b. >> reporter: to the simpsons. all of it captured first in these pages. and there's more, walt whitman's personal copy of shakespeare poetry. this is what he thinks he looks like.
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>> this is really important. people said he looked like this. this is the picture that really captures the man and this is the picture that you see everywhere. this is his head shot. >> reporter: and now -- >> we want people to see this book. >> reporter: they're preparing to send this rare and priceless piece of history on the ultimate book tour. heading to all 50 states next year. giving americans to revel in those powerful words that still amaze and inspire. >> if i never saw true beauty till this night. >> reporter: if you last heard them in the classroom or are surrounded by them every day. >> i'm stunned every day because of how powerful and how important this book is. this is a book that brought to us some of the most important plays and poetry that has ever been written. you see phrases here ideas and
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characters that you think about all the time. and they're here. >> reporter: for "this week," jonathan karl, abc news, washington. >> thank you. we're going to turn to sports. a look ahead to tonight's big game. in these exciting nba finals golden state and cleveland tied 2-2, two overtimes. the most-watched series ever. espn's chris broussard is in oakland right now. thank you for joining us. golden state, 70% chance of winning it right now, is that how you see it? >> i probably wouldn't go as high as 70% myself. i would say about 60%. look, they have the home-court advantage, they have the momentum after winning game four. they have the deeper more versatile roster. but cleveland, of course, has lebron james the best player in the world. he has carried an incredible workload without kyrie irving and kevin love, so, the question going into tonight's game, how much stamina will lebron james has, will he have enough left in the tank to dominate the game tonight?
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>> that's the question that i was going to ask you. he's really been carrying that whole cleveland team on his back. >> yeah, he has, 35 points, 12 rebounds, 8 assists a game. unfathomable numbers, but he's not gotten enough help from the supporting cast and you wonder how much longer he can carry this load? if these two days off really help him in terms of fatigue and rehydration and rejuvenation, then he could dominate this game like he did the first three. i give cleveland a good chance to win the game and the series. >> all right, chris broussard, thanks very much. game five on abc. thank you for sharing part of your sunday with us. check out "world news tonight" and i'll see you tomorrow on "good morning america."
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>> in the news this morning, relief for a father after the search for his missing baby. how they were reunited. it's the nba finals back to oracle arena. why workers are hustling to get the warriors' home court ready for tonight's pivotal game five. >> and on the flag day, look at the winds blowing out of the south-southwest. 15 to 20 miles an hour today. a sunny afternoon. we will have it for you all coming up next on the ♪ ♪ ♪ it took tim morehouse years to master the perfect lunge. but only one attempt to master depositing checks at chase atms.
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